OSHA Safety Bulletin – Walking-Working Surfaces & Personal Protective Equipment Eddie Burlem, January 20, 2017February 21, 2024 11-17-2016, OSHA Published Final Rule on Walking & Working Surfaces Who and what does the final rule cover? The final rule applies to all general industry workplaces and covers all walking-working surfaces, which include horizontal and vertical surfaces such as floors, stairs, roofs, ladders, ramps, scaffolds and elevated walkways. The final rule also has provisions affecting fall protection systems. Summary: OSHA is revising and updating its general industry standards on walking-working surfaces to prevent and reduce workplace slips, trips, and falls, as well as other injuries and fatalities associated with walking-working surface hazards. The final rule includes revised and new provisions addressing, for example, fixed ladders, rope descent systems, fall protection systems and criteria including personal fall protection systems, and training on fall hazards and fall protection systems. In addition, the final rule adds requirements on the design, performance, and use of personal fall protection systems. Tanner Resource Center Has it All To read the full Regulation Summary head on over to the Tanner Resource Center. In the Full Summary you will be able to read information about: Who & What is Covered, Effective / Compliance Dates, & Major Changes giving you a clear understanding of OSHA’s new regulation. Find OSHA’s Regulation Summary Here While in Tanner’s Resource Center be sure to check out other great resources like: Product Videos, Tanner White Papers, Catalogs & much more! Safety